Our Books
Social Emotional Learning
Self Awareness
Understanding your emotions and thoughts and how they influence your behavior.
Self Management
The ability to regulate your emotions and behaviors in different situations and to set and work toward goals
Responsible Decision-making
The ability to make positive choices and take responsibility for +ve & -ve outcomes.
Social Awareness
The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others. Skills include empathy, appreciating…
Relationship Skills
The ability to establish and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships with others.
Good 2 b Different
Good 2 B Different is a Social Emotional Learning Educational Book series created by the Urban Literacy Project, a California Recognized 501(c) 3 Nonprofit dedicated to building literacy with inner-city youths. Our program has adopted many of the philosophies of Social Emotional Learning strategies to help develop reading skills, improve academic achievement and behavior within inner-city Elementary, Middle School and High School students.