Good 2 B Different

Social Emotional Learning

Self Awareness

Understanding your emotions and thoughts and how they influence your behavior.

Self Management

The ability to regulate your emotions and behaviors in different situations and to set and work toward goals

Responsible Decision-making

The ability to make positive choices and take responsibility for +ve & -ve outcomes.

Social Awareness

The ability to take the perspective of and empathize with others. Skills include empathy, appreciating…

Relationship Skills

The ability to establish and maintain healthy and meaningful relationships with others.


Good 2 B Different is a Social Emotional Learning Educational Book series created by the Urban Literacy Project, a California Recognized 501(c) 3 Nonprofit dedicated to building literacy with inner-city youths. Our program has adopted many of the philosophies of Social Emotional Learning strategies to help develop reading skills, improve academic achievement and behavior within inner-city Elementary, Middle School and High School students.


The Good 2 B Different Educational Book series helps to provide students with real life activities as well as life coping skills that can increase both academic achievement and improved classroom behavior.

We are here to help


Social and emotional learning (SEL) skills have been shown to help homeless youth cope with traumatic experiences and stressful conditions (Obradović, 2010). This study used a longitudinal survey design to investigate the growth of SEL skills in three domains (social, emotional, and life skills) in a sample of students (n=115) enrolled at the only school in the U.S. to provide K-12 education exclusively to homeless youth. In addition, we explored the relationship between students’ enrollment in an individual therapy program and their development of SEL skills over time. The results showed that SEL skills grew over time, with correlations in growth between constructs within a domain. Furthermore, results suggest that individual therapy may support SEL skills development.

The Need for LGBTQ Social Emotional Learning Programs

It is important to identify ways we can work toward an accepting, equitable, and affirming future for LGBTQ youth. In order to do so, we must understand the issues that are currently impacting these youth. While youth suicide is a widescale problem that profoundly impacts communities around the world, this issue disproportionately affects LGBTQ youth. Youth who identify as LGBTQ are more than four times as likely to attempt suicide compared to their heterosexual peers and this number is even higher for transgender youth and LGB youth of color (CDC, 2016; The Trevor Project, 2019).


Good 2 B Different is a curriculum based on Social Emotional Learning. The curriculum incorporates integrating technology into the classroom. Students learn about creating video content, social media, and filmmaking that makes a social statement utilizing PSA’s that the students choose as a final project. The curriculum includes vocabulary, essay writing, learning about leadership, and the tools for media development.